At the time of Ukraine's transit gas blockade lots of people forget about the fact of the Georgian gas blockade. Today this is a real burning problem for the Ossetians, even stoves don't help. The Georgian officials, answering the question "Why?" say "It's too risky".
Both Russia and South Ossetia say the gas pipe was observed, repaired and now it is ready for gas transit. The Georgians say the gas pipe is damaged and gas supply is too dangerous. It seems even more dangerous than to get frozen in the cold and ruined houses.
"This is a huge problem, but today nobody does pay attention to it, - says the head of the Moscow human Rights bureau Alexandr Brod. Everything is concentrated around the military events. Russia, after declaring the independence of South Ossetia, should be responsible for the further peaceful development of Republic. It needs building and restoring houses, hospitals and municipal buildings in South Ossetia. Of course such things as gas supply as well as medical equipment delivery should be controlled very carefully".
Nowadays the situation in South Ossetia is the following. People live in the cold and ruined houses while the Georgians are thinking of a political revenge. European observers who could help in the current situation are getting frozen in Europe themselves.
"It is remarkable, that the international observers as well as human rights organizations don't deal with this problem, - admits Alexandr Brod. - It seems, they all occupy a position which was determined long before. Human rights activists care more about political issues, the smaller problems, as gas blockade or people safety, are not worthy for them. It's their right, it's their choice. First of all it is Russia, who should ensure the life, these people deserve. Unfortunately the Ossetians still can't return to a normal life".
Both Russia and South Ossetia say the gas pipe was observed, repaired and now it is ready for gas transit. The Georgians say the gas pipe is damaged and gas supply is too dangerous. It seems even more dangerous than to get frozen in the cold and ruined houses.
"This is a huge problem, but today nobody does pay attention to it, - says the head of the Moscow human Rights bureau Alexandr Brod. Everything is concentrated around the military events. Russia, after declaring the independence of South Ossetia, should be responsible for the further peaceful development of Republic. It needs building and restoring houses, hospitals and municipal buildings in South Ossetia. Of course such things as gas supply as well as medical equipment delivery should be controlled very carefully".
Nowadays the situation in South Ossetia is the following. People live in the cold and ruined houses while the Georgians are thinking of a political revenge. European observers who could help in the current situation are getting frozen in Europe themselves.
"It is remarkable, that the international observers as well as human rights organizations don't deal with this problem, - admits Alexandr Brod. - It seems, they all occupy a position which was determined long before. Human rights activists care more about political issues, the smaller problems, as gas blockade or people safety, are not worthy for them. It's their right, it's their choice. First of all it is Russia, who should ensure the life, these people deserve. Unfortunately the Ossetians still can't return to a normal life".
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